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Calculates the Negative Likelihood Ratio (LR-) from a confusion matrix object. LR- compares the probability of a negative test result among patients with the disease to the probability of a negative test result among patients without the disease.


dx_lrt_neg(cm, detail = "full", ...)



A dx_cm object created by dx_cm().


Character specifying the level of detail in the output: "simple" for raw estimate, "full" for detailed estimate including 95% confidence intervals.


Additional arguments to pass to metric_binomial function, such as citype for type of confidence interval method.


Depending on the detail parameter, returns a numeric value representing the calculated metric or a data frame/tibble with detailed diagnostics including confidence intervals and possibly other metrics relevant to understanding the metric.


The negative likelihood ratio is calculated as (FN / (TP + FN)) / (TN / (FP + TN)). It is used to assess the diagnostic usefulness of a test. A LR- closer to 0 indicates a good diagnostic test that can confidently rule out the disease when the test is negative.


cm <- dx_cm(dx_heart_failure$predicted, dx_heart_failure$truth,
  threshold =
    0.5, poslabel = 1
simple_lrn <- dx_lrt_neg(cm, detail = "simple")
detailed_lrn <- dx_lrt_neg(cm)
#> [1] 0.3326531
#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
#>   measure summary           estimate conf_low conf_high fraction conf_type notes
#>   <chr>   <chr>                <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>
#> 1 LRT-    0.33 (0.25, 0.45)    0.333    0.246     0.450 ""       Large sa… ""