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diagnosticSummary is designed to quickly create diagnostic summaries and reports for binary classification data.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


# Load sample data
#>   AgeGroup    Sex truth   predicted           AgeSex
#> 1  (20,50]   Male     0 0.016164112   (20,50] - Male
#> 2  (20,50]   Male     0 0.074193671   (20,50] - Male
#> 3  (20,50] Female     0 0.004677979 (20,50] - Female
#> 4  (20,50] Female     0 0.017567313 (20,50] - Female
#> 5  (20,50] Female     0 0.017517025 (20,50] - Female
#> 6  (20,50]   Male     0 0.051570734   (20,50] - Male

# Create dx object
dx_obj <- dx(
  data = dx_heart_failure,
  true_varname = "truth",
  pred_varname = "predicted",
  outcome_label = "Heart Attack",
  threshold_range = c(.1,.2,.3),
  setthreshold = .3,
  doboot = TRUE,
  bootreps = 1000,
  grouping_variables = c("AgeGroup", "Sex", "AgeSex")
summary(dx_obj, variable = "Overall", show_var = F, show_label = F)
measure summary
AUC ROC 0.904 (0.864, 0.943)
Accuracy 79.3% (73.9%, 84.1%)
Sensitivity 84.7% (76.0%, 91.2%)
Specificity 76.1% (68.8%, 82.4%)
Positive Predictive Value 68.0% (59.0%, 76.2%)
Negative Predictive Value 89.2% (82.8%, 93.8%)
LRT+ 3.54 (2.66, 4.71)
LRT- 0.20 (0.13, 0.32)
Odds Ratio 17.59 (9.12, 33.94)
F1 Score 75.5% (68.3%, 81.5%)
F2 Score 80.7% (74.0%, 86.4%)
Prevalence 37.5% (31.7%, 43.7%)
False Negative Rate 15.3% (8.8%, 24.0%)
False Positive Rate 23.9% (17.6%, 31.2%)
False Discovery Rate 32.0% (23.8%, 41.0%)
AUC PR 0.87
Cohen’s Kappa 0.58 (0.48, 0.68)
Matthews Correlation Coefficient 59.0% (48.9%, 68.4%)
Balanced Accuracy 80.4% (75.3%, 85.1%)
Informedness 60.8% (50.9%, 70.7%)
Markedness 57.2% (47.4%, 67.2%)
G-mean 80.3% (75.1%, 84.8%)
Fowlkes-Mallows Index 75.9% (69.6%, 81.4%)
Brier Score 0.11
Pearson’s Chi-squared p<0.01
Pearson’s Chi-squared p<0.01
Fisher’s Exact p<0.01
G-Test p<0.01

Threshold= 0.3