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Compares multiple classification models pairwise using various statistical tests to assess differences in performance metrics. It supports both paired and unpaired comparisons.


dx_compare(dx_list, paired = TRUE)



A list of dx objects representing the models to be compared. Each dx object should be the result of a call to dx().


Logical, indicating whether the comparisons should be treated as paired. Paired comparisons are appropriate when models are evaluated on the same set of instances (e.g., cross-validation or repeated measures).


A dx_compare object containing a list of dx objects and a data frame of pairwise comparison results for each test conducted.


This function is a utility to perform a comprehensive comparison between multiple classification models. Based on the value of paired, it will perform appropriate tests. The resulting object can be used it further functions like dx_plot_rocs.

See also

dx_delong(), dx_z_test(), dx_mcnemars() for more details on the tests used for comparisons.


dx_glm <- dx(data = dx_heart_failure, true_varname = "truth", pred_varname = "predicted")
dx_rf <- dx(data = dx_heart_failure, true_varname = "truth", pred_varname = "predicted_rf")
dx_list <- list(dx_glm, dx_rf)
dx_comp <- dx_compare(dx_list, paired = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 9
#>   models       test  summary p_value estimate conf_low conf_high statistic notes
#>   <chr>        <chr> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Model 1 vs.… DeLo… 0.04 (… 5.89e-4 "0.0413…   0.0178    0.0649      3.44 ""   
#> 2 Model 1 vs.… McNe… p=0.02  1.80e-2 ""        NA        NA           5.6  ""